Well, this is a first! The first non-recipe post I have ever done! I was going to incorporate this into a recipe. But then I thought about the hundreds and hundreds (probably thousands) of hours I spent on the book and decided it deserved a post of its own. 🙂
And wait…there’s more!
To celebrate the launch of The Food Photography Book, I’m giving away TWO Personal Food Photography Coaching Packages worth over $500 each! Click here to enter!
My Story
In my former life, I worked in corporate finance. Every day, I put on a suit, straightened my hair, piled on make up, drove into the city (Sydney, Australia) and strode into the office in red patent leather high heels. I flew around the world “on the job” and worked long hours, 7 days a week. As unappealing as that sounds, I loved it. I really did love my job. The people, the business, the pressure. And yet, I walked away from it. Because I realised that one day, I would be 70 and would look back on my life with regret if I didn’t at least try to take the plunge to follow my passion for food. So I started RecipeTin Eats. Creating and sharing food that I love is what makes me happy. It always has. When I get a message from a reader in Holland saying he loved my Slow Cooked Beef Cheeks, I grin from ear to ear. When a reader tells me they are new to cooking and asks for help on things that most people might take for granted as obvious, I am truly happy to help. I picked up a DSLR Camera for the first time in May 2014 which is when I started RecipeTin Eats. Just shy of 1 year later, I am so fortunate that I can say I was making a living from this blog and related activities, including recipe development and shooting for clients.
People Always Ask Me…
I regularly get asked how I “did it”. Meaning, how did I go from zero to making a living from my blog in less than a year. There’s so much to share on that topic that I actually created an entire new website called Food Bloggers Central which is where I share all my blogging tips and help other bloggers by sharing what I know. Of all the things that I “did” to get to where I am today, there is no doubt in my mind that the speed at which I was able to learn food photography made a huge difference. Some people have commented that I’m a natural at food photography and I am always quick to disagree! Believe me, I wasn’t! I just worked darn hard to learn, and most importantly, practice, practice, practice.
The Food Photography Book
In all honesty, photography started out as a necessary evil that came with starting a food blog. Today, I enjoy photography almost as much as I do the food part. I say almost, because it doesn’t compare to being with family and friends around a table laden with home cooked food!! And that’s why I created The Food Photography Book, to help others interested in capturing photos of their food so it looks as good as it tastes. It is a comprehensive resource for those starting out, or those who have been photographing for a while and want to take their photos to the next step! The Food Photography Book is so much more than just tips. It is highly practical and focusses on “how tos”, including diagrams, set up shots, very exact “do this, do that” guidance. It contains all my game changing tips, the little things that make all the difference. Including my Secret Lighting Test. It’s my secret weapon that I haven’t told anyone – not even my closest friends!
Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, my background and The Food Photography Book. It means a great deal to me, a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into that book! – Nagi x