Because it really is the best banana bread recipe, period. You can mix everything in one bowl, you can vary the amount of sugar or bananas. And the secret to its great flavor? Melted butter. The beauty of this banana bread recipe is you don’t need a fancy mixer! A mixing bowl, a fork to whisk the eggs, and a sturdy spoon to mix the batter are all you need. The sugar amount is flexible. The original recipe called for a cup of white sugar, but most people, including me, do just fine with 3/4 cup, and many are happy with 1/2 cup. You can toss in a cup of chopped nuts, raisins, or chocolate chips if you want, or put the batter into muffin tins and make banana nut muffins instead. You can even go a step further and make chocolate banana bread. I was given this banana bread recipe years ago from my friend Heidi H, who, many years before, had begged the recipe from a ski buddy’s mother—Mrs. Hockmeyer. Thanks Heidi!

Adapt This Banana Bread Recipe

Swap out all of part of the sugar for light brown sugar.Replace up to half of the flour with white whole wheat flour.Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.Mix in 1/2 cup of chopped nuts or dried fruit.Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips.

More Banana Bread Recipes!

Vegan Banana Bread Cream Cheese Banana Bread Gluten-Free Banana Bread Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Rum Raisin Banana Bread

This recipe calls for an 8- x 4-inch loaf pan. If you are baking in an 8 1/2- x 4 1/2-inch pan, bake for 47 to 57 minutes. If baking in a 9- x 5-inch pan, bake for 45 to 55 minutes. Note that the larger pan size will produce a flatter loaf. The best bananas to use for banana bread are those that are over-ripe. The yellow peels should be at least half browned, and the bananas inside squishy and browning. Bake for 55 to 65 minutes at 350°F (175°C), or until a toothpick or wooden skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. A few dry crumbs are okay; streaks of wet batter are not. If the outside of the loaf is browned but the center is still wet, loosely tent the loaf with foil and continue baking until the loaf is fully baked. Wrapped well, the banana bread will keep at room temperature for 4 days. For longer storage, refrigerate the loaf up to 5 days, or freeze it.