Cooking larger chunks of potatoes in simmering water to achieve richer-tasting and smooth potatoes is all well and fine, but there’s no denying this method takes quite a bit of time, especially if you’re cooking for a crowd. Luckily, there’s a better way.

Don’t Boil Potatoes – Steam Them!

Steaming beats boiling for many reasons. First, it’s faster. Because steaming requires just an inch or so of water, it takes much less time to heat than a large pot of water heating to a boil. Where two pounds of potatoes takes around 40 minutes to come to a boil and cook through, steaming the same amount takes about half as long. Second, you use the same amount of water. Whether you’re steaming one, two, or four pounds of potatoes, you can use basically the same amount of water. If, say, you’re cooking for a group on Thanksgiving, you can double your recipe and not worry about adding extra cook time. (Making an even larger quantity may require more water, but the point stands: cook time does not increase significantly when increasing quantity.) Finally, no contact with water means no flavor dilution! This is another reason steaming is superior to boiling: the potatoes don’t absorb water like they do when boiled, so you’ll end up with a fuller, richer flavor – no extra cream or butter required. If you’re worried about starch and wondering if you ought to rinse the potatoes, here’s my advice: use Yukon Gold potatoes, which are starchy (as opposed to waxy) but also sturdier and buttery. They make the best potatoes for mashing, especially if you’re steaming instead of boiling.

How to Steam Potatoes for Faster Mashed Potatoes (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Now feel free to invite a few more guests to the table, because you can double the recipe with no extra time needed.

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