I also love how the salty flavors of the prosciutto complement the subtly sweet flavor of roasted asparagus. For this dish, look for asparagus spears that are pretty thick (about 16 to 18 spears per pound). Thin asparagus spears are more difficult to wrap with the prosciutto and tend to dry out too easily in the oven. To prepare the asparagus, snap off the rough, woody ends at the bottom of the spears. Sometimes, I’ll snap off as much as an inch and a half of the asparagus. I don’t like seeing food go to waste, so usually save these piece for a stir-fry. (Peel off the rough exterior with a paring knife or vegetable peeler, then slice them into 1⁄2-inch pieces.) Packaged prosciutto is usually sliced very thinly, so you may find that the slices rip apart as you take them out of the package. Don’t stress about it too much. Even a little torn, the prosciutto will still look great after cooking. If any pieces tear too much to use, you can just eat them as a snack! I prefer serving the asparagus while it is still vibrant green, so I pull it out of the oven after 8 or 9 minutes of roasting. If you want the spears and prosciutto to be more crisp, leave the asparagus in the oven for a few minutes longer. Sprinkle the roasted asparagus with lemon zest and freshly grated parmesan for extra flavor!

Video: Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

If you want to make a bigger batch, just double up the ingredients in the recipe and use 2 large baking sheets for roasting. Lay the wrapped asparagus spears on the lined sheet pan.