This is a dish that I’ve never had outside of my own home. My father claims that there are restaurants in Minnesota (where he grew up) that serve spareribs and sauerkraut. But I certainly have never seen them as a menu item here in California. Too bad, too! This is a perfect dish for a cold winter day. We serve them over boiled potatoes with ketchup. The sweet tang of the ketchup is a perfect complement to the savory spareribs and potatoes. Many people also prefer them served with mustard. Your choice! Spareribs and sauerkraut is a German dish; my grandmother made spareribs this way and my father makes them this way. I suppose if you’ve never had spareribs and sauerkraut, they don’t look particularly appealing—what with the different shades of gray. But believe me, they are wonderful, especially with the ketchup. Serve with boiled potatoes. Delicious with ketchup which creates a sweet contrast to the sour sauerkraut, or you can use whole grain mustard.