What is Tamarind?

Tamarind is a tree indigenous to Africa that produces chocolate-brown pod-like fruits with a sticky, sweet, and sour pulp inside. Populations across Asia, Africa, and South and Central America extensively use tamarind in cooking. Types: Tamarind paste concentrate and tamarind paste puree Often found in: Tamarind chutney, agua de tamarindo, tamarind sugar candy, Pad Thai, and various curries Substitutes: Pomegranate molasses or a combination of lime juice and brown sugar Typical dishes that use tamarind include tamarind chutney, agua de tamarindo, tamarind sugar candy, Pad Thai, and various curries.

Natural vs Pulp vs Paste

Tamarind can be purchased in several forms:

In its natural state, where the outer pod is cracked open to reveal its fibrous, fleshy, seedy pulp. As a block of tamarind pulp, the juicy insides of the fruit have been moistened and molded into a brick. As a smooth, homogeneous paste, where seeds and fibers have been removed.

Most culinary applications of tamarind require tamarind paste, which can be found as either tamarind paste concentrate or tamarind paste puree.

Where to Buy Tamarind Paste

As mentioned above, there are two distinct types of tamarind paste:

Tamarind paste concentrate is a dark, shiny, viscous syrup that is quite intense in flavor.Tamarind paste puree is thicker than concentrate and more similarly resembles a homemade paste in texture. The puree is usually slightly less tart than the concentrate but still packs a punch.

You can find tamarind paste in most grocery stores in the international aisle, a local Indian grocery store, Asian grocery stores such as Hmart, specialty organic food stores, or online at a retailer like Pure Indian Foods. Typically, store-bought tamarind paste will have the texture of a thick puree or a glossy syrup. The shelf-life of store-bought tamarind paste will vary considerably depending on the method used, but most products will last about 6 - 8 months in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can also freeze tamarind paste for increased longevity.

How to Make Homemade Tamarind Paste

Store-bought pastes can have added ingredients, taste too concentrated, or be difficult to source. As a result, some home cooks prefer homemade tamarind paste to its store-bought counterpart. The homemade version yields a thick, brown puree made from a block of tamarind pulp. The process requires the following steps:

How to Cook with Tamarind Paste

You can use tamarind paste in a variety of applications. Play around with substituting a little where you might use another acid, such as lime juice, lemon juice, or vinegar. It is an excellent base for a salad dressing, marinade, or dipping sauce. There are also many great recipes for sweet applications of tamarind - for example, a juice, cocktail, or even cake. Store-bought brands vary slightly in their sweetness and acidity, so start by adding a little bit into your dish and adjusting as needed, especially if you are unfamiliar with the product.

How to Substitute Tamarind Paste

If you can’t find (or make) tamarind paste, there are a few substitutes:

Pomegranate molasses has a similar consistency, acidity, and sweetness to tamarind paste concentrate.A combination of lime juice and brown sugar is an acceptable substitute, though the flavor is slightly different.

Some recipes may call for tamarind paste concentrate, while others will recommend the tamarind paste puree. For an easy conversion, follow this: 3 tablespoons homemade tamarind paste puree = 2 tablespoons store-bought tamarind paste puree = 1 tablespoon store-bought tamarind paste concentrate + 2 tablespoons water.

Recipes That Use Tamarind Paste 

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